We’re in the FINAL days of #lakejump2020 benefiting Lakeshore Food 4 Kids!
FINISH STRONG! From now through May 31st, 100% of the funds you raise support Lakeshore Food 4 Kids. Throughout this COVID-19 crisis, LF4K has delivered supplemental family meal bags to 80 families/300 individuals every Friday. We know that the need for LF4K is only going to grow when kids return to school this fall.
Let’s make a SPLASH TOGETHER so NO CHILD is hungry!
Ready to join us for this free, virtual event? REGISTER to “Jump Where You Are” or DONATE NOW!
To REGISTER, go to https://tinyurl.com/y72qjj7d.
TO DONATE, go to to https://paypal.me/LakeshoreFood4KidsMI?locale.x=en_US.
Or write a check to “LF4K” and mail it to Lakeshore Food 4 Kids, 920 E. Tinkham Ave., Ludington, MI 49431.